Center for Limnology Code of Conduct

The Center for Limnology, which includes both Hasler Lab and Trout Lake Station, is an inclusive and welcoming environment. We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, or discrimination of any type for any reason.

The UW-Madison Center for Limnology (CFL) Code of Conduct is intended to be a living document that reflects a shared responsibility for maintaining a professional environment.  This Code of Conduct applies to all members of the CFL, including visitors, whether at Hasler Lab, Trout Lake Station (TLS) or on/off campus participating in CFL activities.  This policy provides guidance for safe, respectful, and inclusive collaboration as well as procedures for reporting information that alleges violation and/or general concerns.

Failure to comply with expected standards of conduct or engaging in or attempts to engage in prohibited conduct may result in loss of the privilege of working and/or staying at CFL.  Such conduct may also result in disciplinary action under applicable university student and employee disciplinary processes, and/or referral to applicable police departments.

  • The University’s policies on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence and Hostile and Intimidating Behavior (HIB) provide examples, information, and resources. Please contact CFL director, faculty or staff to discuss any concerns relating to these policies. A Campus Resource Guide regarding sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking and dating & domestic violence is available from Office of Compliance.
  • If you have any concerns about your experience at the Center for Limnology Hasler Lab or TLS (e.g., working environment, inappropriate behavior, roommates at TLS, etc.) please talk to your supervisor/advisor, a staff person, or director at Hasler Lab or TLS. You may also send your information via the CFL Concerns/Problems Report Form.
  • Obey all laws of the local, state and federal government.
  • Comply with applicable university policies, this Code of Conduct, CFL User Guide for general procedures and TLS User Guide for working/living on station.
  • Use email, network, and internet resources within the computers, online resources, and all other technology within the guidelines of the UW IT Policies.
  • Follow rules for ethical research practices
  • Be polite, respectful and professional in actions, communication and timeliness.
  • Use CFL equipment, resources or facilities appropriately, preventing misuse, misappropriation, damage or theft.
  • Engage in behavior that is safe to self or others; this includes use of vehicles, boats or snowmobiles. (Wisconsin state statues mandates that anyone born on or after January 1, 1989 is required to complete the online boater safety course to operate a motor boat. See CFL User Guide for more details.
  • Follow campus alcohol policies and practices. Campus alcohol policies and practices are designed to encourage and enforce an environment in which consumption of alcohol is legal, safe, and responsible.  Consumption of alcohol by individuals under the minimum legal drinking age is strictly prohibited.
  • Working and/or living at Trout Lake Station is a great opportunity to gain research experience at a world-class field research station. Along with this opportunity comes a responsibility, not only to complete research work, but also to be a good neighbor on station and in the community. You are residing in close quarters with many other station users and are expected to be respectful of each other. Remember, the purpose of being here is to assist your supervisor with their research, to gain experience doing science and/or to complete your own research project. Experience has taught us that these goals are best met when, collectively, there is mutual respect among station users.
  • UW System (Regent Policy document 14-8) lays out policy pertaining to romantic relationships between members of the university community where a conflict of interest or power differential between the parties exists.

For comments or suggestions regarding this topic, contact CFL director Jake Vander Zanden. For edits to this page, contact Kelly O’Ferrell.

“Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW-Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background—people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world.”

Institutional Statement on Diversity, 2016