Opportunities for Giving

Two students sitting on opposite ends of canoe in lake surrounded by trees shoreline. One is taking notes and the other is looking through large scope into the water.
Undergrads Eliana Cook (left) and Marin Danz (right) collect data as part of a wild rice study at Allequash Lake.

Much of our work is funded by gifts from individual supporters. Your gift supports our cutting-edge research on inland waters, training the next generation of limnologists, and sharing this knowledge with the world.

Donations can be made to the Center for Limnology Fund (General support for Center for Limnology’s mission), the Trout Lake Station Fund (General support for Trout Lake Station’s mission), or the Student Support Fund (Direct support for undergraduate and graduate fellowships). In addition to these three core funds, the Center for Limnology has other funds that target specific needs and areas. For information about other funds or general inquiries about supporting the Center for Limnology, please contact Jake Vander Zanden, Director, Center for Limnology, mjvanderzand@wisc.edu, 608-262-3014.


You can make a gift online or via mail using the printable gift form.