User’s Guide

Working at Trout Lake Station is a great opportunity for you to gain research experience at a world-class field research station. Along with this opportunity comes a responsibility, not only to complete your work but also to be a good neighbor on station. As a station user, you are expected to be aware of Trout Lake Station’s User Guide and policies and the Center for Limnology’s policies. Please comply with these policies or you could lose the privilege of staying at TLS or working for CFL.

Trout Lake Station Community Living

  • You are residing in close quarters with many other station users and are expected to be respectful of each other. Remember, the purpose of being here is to assist your supervisor with their research, to gain experience doing science and/or to complete your own research project. Experience has taught us that these goals are best met when there is mutual respect among station users.
  • While living/working at Trout Lake Station, you represent the station, the Center for Limnology and the University of Wisconsin and are expected to conduct yourself appropriately both on station and in the community.
  • You are expected to abide by the Center for Limnology’s Code of Conduct.
  • If you have any concerns about life at Trout Lake Station (e.g. working environment, roommates, inappropriate behavior, etc.) please talk to your supervisor, station coordinator, station staff, station director, or send your information to TLS Concerns/Problems Reporting Form.
  • All students are expected to attend the weekly seminar held every Wednesday at 5:30. Exceptions must be approved by your supervisor prior to seminar.

“Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW-Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background—people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world.”  Institutional Statement on Diversity, 2016

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  • Trout Lake Station Fleet Vehicle information and policies
  • Trout Lake Station Fleet vehicle rates
  • Trout Lake Station boat/canoe rates
  • Report all accidents/damage to station property immediately. Accident report forms are found in the glove compartments of the vehicles. Forms need to be given to TLS director Gretchen Gerrish.
  • Drivers must be authorized through the UW Fleet portal prior to using station vehicles. Only UW students, employees, or authorized volunteers can ride in state vehicles/boats. Visitors must complete a volunteer form (Amber Mrnak) before they can ride in a vehicle/boat.
  • All persons driving Trout Lake Station boats and/or trailering boats must have participated in one of the Hasler Lab or Trout Lake Station vehicle and boat training sessions.
  • All persons born after 1/1/1989 must have completed boater’s safety course and provide certification before using any motorized boat.
  • Life jackets must be worn when water temperature is below 50° F. Life jackets must be worn by all classes and outreach participants at all times. Whether life jackets are required to be worn or not is at the discretion of the boat captain, except in above cases. A cushion is required in all boats over 16 feet in length. For complete boating rules and regulations please refer to Wisconsin boating laws.
  • You may be financially responsible for damage to boats and boating accessories if the damage happens during recreational use.

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  • Overnight guests must register with the station coordinator.
  • The cost for overnight guests is $10.00 per person per night.
  • Any guest traveling in station boats or vehicles must complete a volunteer form. See Amber Mrnak for forms.

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  • Dial 911 for all emergencies. Be sure to inform the operator that you are at the University of Wisconsin Trout Lake Station off of County N on Trout Lake Station Dr. (The DNR also has a station on Trout Lake and if you just say Trout Lake Station, the emergency personnel will likely go to the DNR Headquarters.)
  • Question/concern after hours: Check with the grad students or other returning residents to see if they can help you. If further assistance see sign out board in main office for emergency contact list.
  • Broken or damaged equipment: Fill out repair log on clipboard in the main office. If something needs immediate attention, please fill out the repair log and contact Tom Swedberg.

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  • Reservations.  To reserve housing at Trout Lake Station please complete the reservation form.
  • Wireless access is available throughout the entire station facilities. No password is required. There is also a general use computer lab in the lab.
  • Firearms are not allowed in any Trout Lake Station buildings.
  • Smoking is not allowed in any  vehicle, or building, within 25’ of a building, the dock, or near where others are working. Cigarette butts must be discarded in cigarette butt containers located around the station grounds. This includes all e cigarettes products.
  • Alcohol: TLS adheres to the UW alcohol policy.
  • Pets are not allowed on station or in the cabins.
  • Guests are allowed if there is room. Check with Amber Mrnak before inviting anyone to stay on station. Even though a bed may be open today it might not be open tomorrow. The cost is $10.00 per night per person.
  • Volunteers can help you with your project. We have a volunteer form that they need to complete before doing any field work. See Amber Mrnak for forms.
  • Security in the main laboratory and all storage buildings are locked while unattended except during business hours. If you are the last person to leave any of these buildings during non-business hours, please be sure that all lights are off, and that all doors are locked.
  • Parking is available for residents in the lots near cabins or in the main parking lot. Areas near the lab are reserved for research vehicles. DO NOT park on the grassy areas near the cabins.
  • Mail is delivered to 3110 Trout Lake Station Dr, Boulder Junction, WI 54512. Please do not complete a change of address for the summer. Instead, temporarily transfer your mail and put a stop date on that transfer.
  • Bath & kitchen towels, twin size sheets, blankets & pillows are not provided. . Mattress pads are provided on all beds.
  • Meals are not provided. Cooking facilities are available in each residence. Supermarkets are available in Minocqua and Boulder Junction. Those in Minocqua are larger and open 24 hours a day.
  • Cleanup is required by each resident for his/her cabin or room to a reasonable state of cleanliness. Failure to maintain cleanliness can result in the loss of access to station housing. Residents completing their stays at TLS are responsible for cleaning their residences thoroughly. No food of any sort should be left in refrigerators or cupboards unless specific arrangements have been made with other residents.
  • Washers and dryers are located in Juday house and in the shower building.
  • Household trash should be separated from recyclables. Dumpsters are located near the main driveway. Garbage should be placed in plastic bags, tied securely and put into the dumpster. Trash should not be allowed to accumulate in the residences and should never be stored outdoors other than in designated locations. Skunks, raccoon and bears can make a real mess if a bag is left outside overnight. Garbage pickup is on Friday. Put any fish remains in the dumpster that morning.
  • Boats and canoes for recreation are available for use after hours as long as they are not needed for research. You are required to know and comply with all boating regulations. Certain boats have restrictions. Check the boat list for which boats are for specific lakes and which are for any lake. Be familiar with current boat cleaning policies.
  • Weekly Seminars are held every Wednesday at 5:30. These are informal gathering to keep everyone informed of research occurring on station. Everyone staying on station is expected to attend seminar.
  • Volleyball is the official sport of all field stations. Games are held immediately following seminar (and on other occasions as well). The games provide a good opportunity for socializing even if you don’t plan on playing.

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Trout Lake Station has a wide variety of equipment available to facilitate research on station. List of available equipment.

  • Project equipment should not be used without checking with someone from that project.
  • SCUBA: Only certified divers may use station equipment and must comply with the CFL SCUBA protocols shown on the CFL User Guide.
  • Waders are not available for use at the station. Each project provides and maintains its own supply of waders. There are drying racks for waders in the garage.
  • General use lab equipment is available in several labs, including the chemistry lab (Room 208), the scope room (Room 118), the downstairs wet lab (Room 112) and the plant lab (Room 121). Please do not use equipment clearly labeled with a project name (e.g. LTER Base Crew or MO). If you are unsure if you can use something please check with the room steward for each room. Room stewards’ names are found on the doors to each room on station.
  • Common use/research labs are available based on research needs.

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  • Freezers and Refrigerator are available for sample storage. Some are on backup generators in the event of a power outage. Please be sure your samples are clearly labeled or they will be thrown out with annual cleaning.
  • Field equipment storage is available in the front half of the House of Lords.
  • Long-term storage is available if needed for samples and equipment. Be sure to clearly label samples/equipment with name, date and throw out date. Freezers and refrigerators are cleaned out yearly and any unlabeled samples will be tossed.

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  • Hazardous chemicals CAN NOT go down the drain. TLS has a septic system rather than sanitary sewer. Carol Warden is the contact person for chemical disposal questions.
  • General use chemicals are typically not available except for some common acids. Contact Carol Warden in advance to inquire about availability.

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