Hiring and New Employees

The following are lists of steps/procedures for hiring at the CFL/UW-Madison.  The most important step is to talk to Alyssa Luckey Winters first. Please do not make an offer until you have talked to Alyssa.

Forms for Hiring:

Alyssa will be in touch with all new hires to complete the following items and trainings:

Contacts and info for new employees:

If your new employee will be working with vertebrates, direct him or her to follow the steps listed under Animal Care in the CFL User Guide, and to read the Scientific Collectors Permit section of the CFL User Guide. Direct the individual to CFL Assistant Director Monet Hutchins if they have any questions.

Student Hourlies

Notify Alyssa Luckey Winters of intent to hire by completing the Center for Limnology Hiring Authorization Form (attachment below–to be completed by supervisor).

Temporary Employees (TEs)

Notify Alyssa Luckey Winters of intent to hire an TE by completing the Center for Limnology Hiring Authorization Form AND LTE Request Form

How to Hire Temporary Employees (TEs): please see (temporary employee page link here) for more information on TE guidelines

  1. Fill out the TE Request form and the Hiring Authorization Form if you know who you’d like to hire.
  2. Submit both forms to Alyssa
  3. Alyssa will work with L&S to process appointment (this can take up to two weeks)
  4. After position is approved, Alyssa will be in touch with the candidate to process employment paperwork

Graduate Students/Post Docs

Notify Alyssa of intent to hire a grad student or postdoc by completing the Hiring Authorization Form

For comments or suggestions regarding this page, contact Alyssa Luckey Winters.