If you have an acute/immediate safety concern, please contact your supervisor, lab PI, faculty, staff, or anyone on the CFL Chemical & Lab Safety Committee. You may also use the CFL Concern/Problem Report Form.
If you need to order chemicals for your project, reach out to Jimmy Sustachek (Hasler Lab) or Carol Warden (TLS)
Specific Chem Lab Safety On-line Trainings that may be required by your supervisor:
Go to Environmental Health & Safety Training webpage and click on “Chemical Safety” on left side bar under Filter results. These on-line trainings are through UW Canvas and will require a UW Net ID. If you do not have a Net ID, please contact Kelly O’Ferrell. You will see information for the on-line trainings listed below:
- Chemical Safety: The OSHA Lab Standard – Required for ALL CFL personnel
- Compressed Gas Cylinders
- Disposing of Hazardous Chemicals
- Fume Hood Use
Hasler Lab Safety Tour– required for all employees who use lab space after completion of online Chem Safety: The OSHA Lab Standard (see Jimmy Sustachek)
Hasler Lab Building Tour – required for all employees who do NOT use lab space after completion of online Chem Safety: The OSHA Lab Standard (see Kelly O’Ferrell)
The documents on this User Guide are actively being updated by the CFL Safety Committee during 2022-2023. Please contact Jimmy Sustachek (Hasler Lab) or Carol Warden (TLS) if questions.
See UW-Madison’s Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) web site for reporting emergencies (dial 911), incidents, training, disposal services, forms/manuals/signs and contact information.
Center for Limnology Chemical Hygiene Plan and Employee Safety Check List
The Center for Limnology Chemical Hygiene Plan for the Hasler Lab, including the Employee Safety Check List, and Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan for Trout Lake Station are attached at the bottom of this page.
Safety Data Sheets
Hasler Lab: Links to the Hasler Lab SDSs for the entire chemical inventory at the CFL (Downloads Excel spreadsheet)
If you need to order chemicals for your project, reach out to Jimmy Sustacheck (Hasler Lab) or Carol Warden (TLS)
Mercury Thermometers
Guidelines for disposing of mercury thermometers and other unwanted materials are in EHS’s Recyclopedia.
Redistributable Chemicals (Labscan)
EHS redistributes new/used chemicals around campus free of charge. These chemicals have been collected from other laboratories where they no longer need them. See EHS’s Chemical Recycling Program for more information.
Shipping of Hazardous Materials
Preserved samples, radio-active isotopes, and any sort of chemicals can ultimately be shipped, HOWEVER, these must be shipped through EHS to ensure that we are in compliance with federal and international regulations. Work with them well in advance of collecting the samples so you can ensure that the whole process results in materials that are both meaningful to your research and able to be shipped where needed. See EHS’s Hazmat Shipping & Transportation web page for additional information.
For comments or suggestions regarding this page, contact Jimmy Sustachek or Helen Schlimm. For edits to this webpage, contact Kelly O’Ferrell.