Research Equipment Loan Policy

Created: 10/14/21
By: Aaron Nolan

At the CFL it has been long standing policy that the laboratory provides access to Lake Mendota due to its proximity to the lake by allowing researchers to use our Boston Whalers and the Limnos. However, we also get many requests from people outside of the CFL to borrow all types of field sampling equipment. We want to be able to help researchers conduct their research, but often borrowed equipment is broken or never returned. We want to create a loan policy so the loaners and the loanees have guidance in handling the requests.

  1. The CFL has a limited pool of common/general use equipment that is generally designated for CFL outreach activities (Van Dorns, Secchi disks, waders, etc.). Requests for such items should be directed to Aaron Nolan. If permission is given, borrowers will use the sign out and sign in sheet located on the outreach shelving in the wet lab B18. If Aaron is gone you can contact Adam Hinterthuer for permission.
  2. For more expensive and specialized equipment, the CFL does not have common use equipment to loan out. Individual PIs may own some of this equipment for research use in their labs. Such equipment is generally not available for loan, and can only be lent out by the PI. Requests can be directed to Aaron who will then reach out to the PIs. If you know the specific PI who owns the equipment you can reach out directly to them. If permission is granted, it will be recorded in the Equipment Loan spreadsheet located here: Groups > CFL OP Staff Folder For Shared Files > Equipment Lending. In that spreadsheet we will request a funding source for replacing equipment that is not returned by the agreed date or is broken. When the equipment is returned this will be recorded.
  3. Boats on Lake Mendota (3 Boston Whalers, and the Limnos) will continue to be made available to users who meet the necessary requirements (See Boat Use and Safety in the CFL User Guide). Due to safety and liability concerns, boats that need to be towed to other lakes will not be loaned out to non-CFL users.