Mail and Shipping

Mail for Madison campus and mail to Trout Lake Station (TLS)

  • Place mail (if needed, interoffice envelopes are located on top of mailboxes on first floor by main door or in supply room 201) for delivery to campus locations in mailbox labeled “CAMPUS” on 1st floor Hasler Lab mailbox.
  • Place mail from Hasler Lab to TLS in box on floor beside of Room 106. When someone travels to TLS, they check that box for mail to take with them.

US Postal Service

Business related mail may be sent from both the TLS and the Hasler Laboratory.  Specific accounts are not required, all the grants support the mailing services. Contact Kelly O’Ferrell (Hasler Lab) or Amber Mrnak (TLS)  if any questions.

**NOTE** USPS packages over 13 ounces MUST be hand carried to a US Post Office.  We cannot place them in our mailbox for pick up.  We can affix the postage necessary, however, these must be hand carried and delivered to USPS personnel at the service counter.  Office staff may ask you to help with this task by delivering your packages once they are ready to post.

Commercial Package Services

The UW-Madison Campus has a contract with UPS and FedEx for shipping services at reduced rates. All package shipping must be paid for by a specific funding number (generally a specific grant).  Contact John Burmaster (Hasler Lab) or Amber (TLS) regarding shipping. Aaron Nolan (Hasler Lab) may be able to help with packaging materials and shipping items on site at the Hasler Lab.

Prior to shipping:

  • Package any materials to be shipped.  Contact John for packaging materials.
  • Have the recipient’s name, STREET address, and phone number available to give to staff. We cannot use a post office box for commercial shipping.
  • Give information regarding the contents.  **Note** liquids and hazardous materials must be shipped using special practices.  We must know what the package contains.
  • Provide the name of the project to be billed for the shipping service.

Shipping of Hazardous Materials

Preserved samples, radio-active isotopes, and any sort of chemicals can ultimately be shipped, HOWEVER, these must be shipped through the Campus Safety Department to insure that we are in compliance with federal and international regulations.  Work with them well in advance of collecting the samples so you can insure that the whole process results in materials that are both meaningful to your research and able to be shipped where needed.

The UW-Madison Department of Environmental Health and Safety has procedures in place for all your hazardous materials needs:

For comments or suggestions regarding this page, contact Kelly O’Ferrell