Zoology 315

Zoology/ENVIR ST 315

A general limnology course, focusing on the physical, chemical and biological characteristics and processes of lakes as well as environmental problems and rehabilitation of lake ecosystems.

This is a lecture based course and include a field trip on Lake Mendota where students learn about common field methods in limnology.


In-person instruction 2x per week.

Tues/Thur 9:55-10:45 AM. Noland Hall.


See example syllabus

Seven undergraduate students in two Boston Whaler boats sampling water and zooplankton on Lake Mendota.
Limnology students on Lake Mendota field trip.


Hilary Dugan and Grace Wilkinson wearing helmets in the back of a UTV.
Hilary and Grace go UTVing at the Experimental Lakes Area.

Dr. Grace Wilkinson

Associate Professor. Website.

Dr. Wilkinson combines whole-ecosystem experiments, comparative surveys, long-term data, and high-frequency observations to understand patterns and drivers of lake dynamics.

Dr. Hilary Dugan

Associate Professor. Website. 

Dr. Dugan studies how terrestrial and atmospheric changes, such as warming air temperatures or land use patterns, alter biogeochemical fluxes and aquatic processes in lakes. Her research sites span from Wisconsin to Antarctica.