Fisheries Research Technician

Employer: Max Wilkinson (, Dr. Zach Feiner, Dr. Greg Sass, and Dr. Olaf Jensen


We are seeking four motivated and independent undergraduate students to join the fishing technology research team based out of Trout Lake Station.

Improvements in angler technology over time have the potential to increase angler success and fish catchability. Recent research testing the influences of angler technology on fish catch rates has been mixed, with some studies showing a positive influence of technology use and others with no effect. To test the influence of forward-facing sonar (FFS) on angler catch rates, we will be initiating an experimental angling study on northern Wisconsin lakes to test for differences in angler catch rates of smallmouth bass between various forms of angler technology.  Students will fish for smallmouth bass and potentially other species with and without the use of FFS.

Students will also have multiple opportunities to assist and gain experience with other fisheries-based groups (e.g., Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-Escanaba Lake Research Station, UW-Stevens Point, NTL-LTER), including assisting with research focused on characterizing production dynamics in lakes with different walleye recruitment histories and understanding prey consumption dynamics of largemouth bass and walleye.

For both projects, most work will be based in the field and may require long hours under sometimes adverse conditions, including nighttime work. Fish sampling will be conducted with fyke nets, electrofishing, and hook-and-line sampling. Laboratory work will consist of processing diets from largemouth bass and walleye and removing age-structures from several northern Wisconsin fish species. Students will gain a wide range of experience with fish and limnological sampling, as well as have the opportunity to conduct their own independent research.

Having students with different life experiences and backgrounds is critical to ensure the exchange of diverse ideas that is called for in training tomorrow’s scientists. Because we are actively working to increase diversity and inclusivity in our discipline, underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.


  • Respectfully interacting with members of the public at field sites
  • Safe operation of UW – Madison boats and vehicles
  • Launching and towing boats
  • Careful and accurate data collection and sample processing
  • Deploying and retrieving sampling equipment
  • Handling and measuring fish
  • Assist with field and lab equipment maintenance
  • Entering data into database


  • Must be eager to learn and have a genuine interest in aquatic ecology and(or) fisheries management.
  • Some fishing experience is helpful
  • Maintain positive attitude while conducting work.
  • Must be willing to work under sometimes adverse conditions (i.e., nighttime, hot sun, cold, wind, rain, etc.) for long hours.
  • Be able to lift and carry a moderate amount (~30-50 lbs) of gear over short distances.
  • Must be able to swim.
  • Valid driver’s license which meets UW Risk Management standards is required. Wisconsin driver’s licence or current approval for driving at UW preferred.


  • Number of positions: 4 @ ~40 hours/week
  • Start date: May 19, 2025
  • End date: mid-late August 2025
  • Pay: $14.50 no experience; $14.75 some experience; $15.00 very experienced


These positions are located at the CFL’s Trout Lake Station in Boulder Junction, WI in northern Wisconsin. Dormitory style housing (not food) is provided free of charge. Enjoy swimming, hiking, fishing, biking and shoreline campfires while gaining valuable research experience!

How to Apply:

  • Application link
  • Priority consideration deadline:  Feb 28th
  • We accept applications until all positions are filled.
  • Indicate Fisheries Research Technician preference on your application and contact Max Wilkinson if you have any questions.

The CFL is an equal opportunity employer and is dedicated to an inclusive and positive working environment for all.