There are several email lists that staff and associates of the Center for Limnology may be required to subscribe to, although some are also optional.
All CFL Announcement List: All members of CFL community are on this list as well as friends of CFL (USGS, WI DNR, etc). Contact Kelly O’Ferrell to have your name added.
HaslerTLS list: Only members of CFL Hasler Lab and Trout Lake Station community are on this list. Contact Kelly O’Ferrell to have your name added.
Limnology Seminar Announcement List: To receive a weekly reminder email of Wednesday noon (CT) seminar, send an email to with the subject heading: ‘Add to weekly seminar email list’.
CFL Blog: To receive email alerts when new posts are published, send an email to with the subject heading: ‘Subscribe to CFL Blog’.
Field Season Hiring starts in February:
If you are hiring summer student workers, subscribe to the summer student hiring email discussion list (no student applicants). Send blank message to
For comments or suggestions regarding this page, contact Kelly O’Ferrell.