Life on Station

Life on station involves everything from research, to outreach, to relaxation.

Graduate student David Ortiz records data using the Fast Limnological Automated Measurements (FLAMe) platform developed at the Center for Limnology to understand how conditions on lakes change over time and space.

FLAMe: David Ortiz records measurements using the Fast Limnological Automated Measurements (FLAMe) platform to understand variability in water chemistry.

More than 200 visitors came out to our first in-person Open House in two years. Join us this year on Friday, July 29th 1-5pm to get a first hand look at our research and free Babcock ice cream! (And, Hasler Lab's Open House is June 24th 2-5pm)

Open House: Join us July 29, 2022 to get a first-hand look at our research.

At the end of a long day of field work, students living on station during the summer often like to head down to our pier to catch up - and catch the sunset.

Student Silhouette: At the end of a long day of field work, students living on station during the summer often like to head down to our pier to catch up - and catch the sunset.