Who can I report to? What should be reported? Where does the report go? What happens with the report?
Who should I report to?
- Talk to your supervisor, HR specialist, or trusted leader at the CFL. We encourage you to seek in-person support to help address the problem.
- Contact the appropriate office at UW-Madison to receive support from individuals outside the CFL. This could include the Title IX office, Office of Student Assistance and Support (students), Ombuds Office (employees), or University Police department.
- Office of Student Assistance and Support: https://osas.wisc.edu/contact-us/
- Ombuds Office: https://ombuds.wisc.edu/
- Title IX Office: https://compliance.wisc.edu/
- University Police: https://uwpd.wisc.edu/
- Confidential Resources for sexual violence: https://compliance.wisc.edu/titleix/student-information/#select-support
- Submit a report through this form to bring the issue to the attention of CFL leadership. Information submitted anonymously and without specifics can help to document issues and to improve community practices and culture, but limited action can be taken by leadership to address concerns based on anonymous reports.
What should be reported?
Any community member can report a situation or conduct they believe violates a law, the code of conduct, or University policy. Examples of issues to report include, but are not limited to:
- Workplace safety concerns
- Discrimination or harassment
- Misuse of property or equipment
- Research misconduct
- Theft (property, wage, benefits)
- Violence
- Hours abuse
- Conflicts of interest
- Bribery or corruption
Where does the report go?
If the report includes incidence of criminal activity or child abuse, it will be sent directly to the University Police. If the report includes incidence of sexual misconduct, violence, or discrimination, portions or all the report will be submitted to the Title IX office, depending on who you select to receive the report (more below).
- We urge you to report directly to Title IX or University Police. You can first speak to a confidential resource who can help you and provide guidance on reporting if and when you’re ready: https://compliance.wisc.edu/titleix/student-information/#select-support
- Some CFL personnel (see list below) are mandatory reporters under Title IX and must submit a report with all available information if informed of a violation of the UW-Madison Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy. If you select a mandatory reporter to receive this form, the report will be forwarded directly to the Title IX office.
- All UW-Madison employees are required to submit a statistical report (no identifying information) to the Title IX office if a student discloses a sexual assault. This statistical report does not include any identifying information about the people involved. If you select statistical reporters to receive this form, only a statistical report will be submitted to the Title IX office without any identifying information about you.
- The CFL leadership will follow the guidance of these offices for further addressing the issue in our community and the steps we can take to ensure your safety and support your well-being at work.
If the report does not pertain to the items listed above, input from this form will go to the CFL personnel listed below. Where appropriate, some details of the report may be confidentially shared with select CFL leadership to help address the issues raised.
- If you opt to include your name with the report, please indicate if you’d like the selected leadership team to follow up with you in person.
- If identifying information is not included, there are limited opportunities for follow-up by the leadership team.
Reporting options, select at least two people:
- Jake Vander Zanden, CFL Director (Title IX mandatory reporter)
- Gretchen Gerrish, Trout Lake Station Director (Title IX mandatory reporter)
- Monet Hutchins, CFL Assistant Director (Title IX mandatory reporter)
- Alyssa Luckey-Winter, HR Specialist (Title IX mandatory reporter)
- Grace Wilkinson, faculty (statistical reporter to Title IX, no identifying info shared)
What happens with the report?
** If the report includes incidence of sexual harassment, sexual assault, discrimination, criminal activity, or child abuse, please see section above with more information on how the report will be handled.
There are several outcomes you can select when submitting a report through this form. Please review the options and provide additional detail and suggestions in the “What solutions do you propose?” response box.
(select one or both options)
- Document and Address: the leadership team will review your concerns and follow up by addressing the concerns with the appropriate parties within three weeks of receiving the report. If you include your name with this report, the leadership will also contact you with information on how the concern is being addressed; otherwise, you may not be made aware that the concern has been addressed privately. When appropriate or needed, the contents of the report may be confidentially shared with other leaders at the CFL to address the issue. During discussions with the people involved, it will be made clear that retaliation against the reporter will not be tolerated.
- Example Action: Leadership has discussion with individuals identified in the report to discuss the incident and address unacceptable behaviors; could be separate conversations or group mediation with the reporter.
- Example Action: Movement of assigned personnel space or resources to reduce future conflict or address safety concerns
- Document and Include in Future Community Conversations: the leadership team will document the issue to include in future communications, community activities, trainings, or policy updates.
- Example Action: Message to the community (email, slack) reminding people of expectations and the code of conduct; possibly instituting new community policies that address the issue.
- Example Action: Plan a community training to build awareness and skills with the goal of preventing these issues in the future.